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Category & Merchandise Manager

Category & Merchandise Manager

praca stacjonarna
1754 dni temu

Agencja zatrudnienia nr licencji 3260

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Location: Warszawa

Nr ref.: PL41335

Devire to międzynarodowa firma specjalizująca się w usługach rekrutacji, outsourcingu i employer brandingu. Od ponad 30 lat reprezentujemy wiodących pracodawców na rynku europejskim, prowadząc kompleksowe projekty poszukiwań menedżerów i wyspecjalizowanej kadry, wdrażając najnowsze rozwiązania z obszaru usług IT oraz wspierając w budowaniu wizerunku pracodawcy z wyboru.


Nasze biura zlokalizowane są w Warszawie, Wrocławiu, Poznaniu, Katowicach oraz Monachium, Frankfurcie, Pradze i Hradec Kralove.

Category & Merchandise Manager

For our Client, an international Retail company we are looking for Category and Merchandise Manager, who will be manage a category or group of categories of products in online and offline channels.


- Creation of a long term Category strategy 

- Executing trading strategies based on customer insight 

- Product range management and development 

- Create planograms and other merchandising tactics 

- Working with the Macro Space team to ensure category space and business insight 

- Making regular visits in stores to ensure the reality matches the plan 

- Support Category Buyer in negociations


Candidate Profile:

- More than 3 years of experience within a Category Management role in an equivalent retailer/wholesaler

- Full lifecycle experience of developing a Category strategy, defining category tactics and successfully implementing

- Experienced in Assortment Building softwares

- Experienced in Planogram Building softwares

- Excellent analytical and numerical skills

- Strong personal organization, self-motivated and ability to work to deadlines

- Good english command



- Stability and security - employment based on an employment contract

- Respect and partnership - a flexible schedule tailored to each employee

- Free medical care and a sport card

- Attractive car allowance 






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