Ogłoszenie numer: 423601, z dnia 2014-04-25
KUBOUŠEK Europe s.r.o.
KUBOUSEK is a Czech company that has been active on the Czech market since 1990. The company sells and carries out maintenance on measuring equipment, injection moulding machines, robots, temperature control units, instruments, material conveying and processing equipment, belt conveyors, cooling systems, mills and granulators and other equipment used in the production of plastic materials.
Busines - technical manager
Miejsce pracy: Wrocław
Opis stanowiska
- Arranging for business activities for KUBOUŠEK company in Poland.
- Orientation to localities of Wroclaw and Katowice
- Help with setting up Kubousek Europe's new office in Poland
- Possibility of „home office" at the beginning
- Ideal place of work in borderline area of eastern Bohemia or northern Moravia
- Knowledge of engineering, ideally measurement and metrology
- Ability to orient in technical documentation
- Business skills
- Standarduser-skills of computer technology and work with PC
- Flexibility and readiness to travel
- Excellent knowledge of Czech and Polish languages
- Communicative knowledge of English language
- A teamplayer
- Nice manners
- Loyalty
- Environment of a strong family company
- Company benefits
- Possibility of professional development
- Environment of a young ambitious team
- Interesting pay packet
Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych w procesie rekrutacji.