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Backend C# Developer (music industry)

Backend C# Developer (music industry)

CPL JOBS Sp. z o.o.
łódzkie, Wrocław
praca stacjonarna
2870 dni temu
Backend C# Developer (music industry)
Miejsce pracy: Wrocław
Nr ref.: JO-1611-343509-3533

Our Client provides software development services for media usage. Company delivers SaaS solutions to music labels, publishers, brands and individual artists.

We are looking for senior and junior Frontend Programmers to build a new development team.

Core technologies

The entire platform is following a clean separation of concerns with a service oriented architecture. Backend of the solution is written in .NET/C# and exposes all resources via a REST API. Some internal processes are implemented in JAVA.
The Frontend part for B2B management is using the APIs and builds a node.js/HTML5 presentation layer for client users on top of it. B2C elements for our clients are using the same API for a more exposed integration in any blog, or commercial website world-wide.

The persistency layer is in postgres with exposed search through Elastic Search. The entire platform is managed with Agile (SCRUM) software development processes.

Your role 
As a member of the international team you will be working together with our product management and UX designers to determine the best way to implement certain business use cases in the front end. This is either the B2B online manager application, or exposed B2C widgets for use by retailers.
You define your requirements for the business logic (API) for the backend development team and contribute to the overall technical design. Senior and junior level team members are working together to implement the best-fitting solutions for our customers. For individual projects bespoke customer solutions will be built to tailor the core product/platform to the customers needs.

What You Will Be Doing
• Develop software solutions for our services
• Responsible for designing and implementation of processes and APIs
• Integrating supplier API's
• Propose improvements to existing systems
• Participate in reviews of design, code, test and operational procedures.

What You Need for this Position
• Must have 2-4+ years of experience with .NET on medium to large scale successfully deployed projects
• Knowledge in .NET 4.0 or 4.5, C#, WCF 3.5, NUnit
• Knowledge in relational DBs (Postgres, MySQL, Oracle), Elastic Search
• Strong experience working with Web Services using HTTPS, RESTful/JSON, .NET, WCF, IIS

• Knowledge in JAVA
• Writing server side code for high performance and highly available web sites
• Design and develop web service integrations with distributed team members.

Zastrzegamy sobie możliwość odpowiedzi tylko na wybrane aplikacje.

Agencja wpisana do Krajowego Rejestru Agencji Zatrudnienia pod numerem 4061.

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