i3 Engineering is a developer and manufacturer of smart home and building automation systems. Our product is a complete solution consisting of Atom series DIN rail controllers, software, and an i3 Home mobile application. We are growing fast and are entering new markets.
menedżer / kierownik/koordynator umowa o pracę pełny etat aplikuj szybkoaplikuj bez CV
518 dni
We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Logistics and Trade Operations Manager to lead our operations hub in Wroclaw, Poland. This critical role involves overseeing the efficient flow of goods, both domestically within Poland and internationally. The Logistics and Trade Operations Manager will...
kierownik/koordynator / menedżer umowa o pracę pełny etat aplikuj szybkoaplikuj bez CV
539 dni
Therefore, i3 Engineering requires the manager to act as an ambassador for the company and the brand, performing the following key tasks: Promote products to professionals, including system integrators, installers, designers and electrical installation companies; Plan and prepare presentations for...
kierownik/koordynator / menedżer pełny etat aplikuj szybkoaplikuj bez CV
576 dni
Therefore, i3 Engineering requires the manager to act as an ambassador for the company and the brand, performing the following key tasks: Promote products to professionals, including system integrators, installers, designers and electrical installation companies; Plan and prepare presentations for...
kierownik/koordynator / menedżer aplikuj szybkoaplikuj bez CV
617 dni
Therefore, i3 Engineering requires the manager to act as an ambassador for the company and the brand, performing the following key tasks: Promote products to professionals, including system integrators, installers, designers and electrical installation companies; Plan and prepare presentations for...
Interesujesz się inteligentnymi domami i automatyką budynkową? Masz doświadczenie w sprzedaży B2B produktu technologicznego? Jeśli odpowiedziałeś twierdząco na te dwa pytania, to mamy pracę dla Ciebie! Szukamy najlepszego przyjaciela dla naszych partnerów, aby pomóc im zrozumieć cechy i...
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