Telefoniczna sprzedaż usług i produktów bankowych/ubezpieczeniowych; Doradztwo w zakresie proponowanych usług; Utrzymywanie pozytywnych relacji z klientami; Negocjowanie warunków i przedłużanie umów;
Supervising GL team - motivating, monitoring and supporting to achieve certain standards; Working at achieving higher effectiveness of the transactions processes; Providing technical support to GL team; Taking care of timely processing GL transactions, which are relevant with quality standards;...
Maintenance of master data; Timely performing AR transaction processing; Settlement of customer invoices; Supporting Senior Accountants in processing customer'scredit and accounts receivable; Achievement of AR quality standards; Supporting Senior Accountants and Team Leads; Performing other duties...
Handling emails, faxes and calls directed to Customer Services; Customer care duties prior or besides orders: product information, stock availability, service level capacity, pricing confirmation, samples and new customer delivery account creations; Order Creation: edits and cancellations based on...
Using standard OtC procedures and control standards; Maintenance of the AR accountancy; Analyzing customers accounts and data; Assisting clients with their daily queries and escalations; Working on month and closing reports; Preparing data and risk information about future clients;
Maintenance of master data; Timely performing AR transaction processing; Settlement of customer invoices; Supporting Senior Accountants in processing customer'scredit and accounts receivable; Achievement of AR quality standards; Supporting Senior Accountants and Team Leads; Performing other duties...
Maintenance of master data; Timely performing AR transaction processing; Settlement of customer invoices; Supporting Senior Accountants in processing customer'scredit and accounts receivable; Achievement of AR quality standards; Supporting Senior Accountants and Team Leads; Performing other duties...
Prowadzenie zapisów księgowych; Kontakt z klientami i dostawcami; Dokonywanie czyności w związku z zamykaniem miesiąca rachunkowego; Fakturowanie; Nadzorowanie zgodności pracy z normami prawnymi i podatkowymi;
obsługa połączeń telefonicznych; informowanie o aktualnych ofertach pracy; analiza i selekcja dokumentów aplikacyjnych; administrowanie bazą danych kandydatów; redagowanie i zamieszczanie ogłoszeń rekrutacyjnych w mediach; organizowanie spotkań rekrutacyjnych; prowadzenie wstępnych...
Maintenance of accounting records; Queries resolution, contacts with vendors, customers, etc. Accounts reconciliations; Performing month end closing; Issuing invoices and credit notes; Preparation and posting of journal entries; Ensure compliance with legal and fiscal requirements;
Maintenance of accounting records; Queries resolution, contacts with vendors, customers, etc. Accounts reconciliations; Performing month end closing; Issuing invoices and credit notes; Preparation and posting of journal entries; Ensure compliance with legal and fiscal requirements;
koordynacja pracy grupy sprzedażowej; nadzorowanie projektów realizacji budżetu; kontakt z klientem biznesowym w celu przedstawienia oferty i prowadzenia negocjacji; przygotowywanie planów rozwoju oddziału; raportowanie wyników pracy; nadzorowanie kosztów prowadzonego oddziału; kontrola nad...
Prowadzenie zapisów księgowych; Kontakt z klientami i dostawcami; Dokonywanie czynności w związku z zamykaniem miesiąca rachunkowego; Fakturowanie; Nadzorowanie zgodności pracy z normami prawnymi i podatkowymi;
Maintenance of accounting records; Queries resolution, contacts with vendors, customers, etc. Accounts reconciliations; Performing month end closing; Issuing invoices and credit notes; Preparation and posting of journal entries; Ensure compliance with legal and fiscal requirements;
Maintenance of accounting records; Queries resolution, contacts with vendors, customers, etc. Accounts reconciliations; Performing month end closing; Issuing invoices and credit notes; Preparation and posting of journal entries; Ensure compliance with legal and fiscal requirements;