Experis jest wyspecjalizowaną marką dedykowaną realizacji zaawansowanych usług poszukiwania i selekcji specjalistów i kadry zarządzającej w obszarach: IT, inżynierii oraz finansów. Experis to wynik połączenia dwóch profesjonalnych marek – Elan IT oraz Manpower Professional, które od wielu lat dostarczały swoje usługi polskim przedsiębiorstwom, a kandydatom pomagały znaleźć pracę marzeń. Obecnie dla jednego z naszych Klientów poszukujemy Kandydatów na stanowisko:
Preparing monthly statutory reports – Profit &Loss, Balance Sheet for one of the countries; Management Information reporting; Performing reconciliations of financial data between reporting systems; Performing month-end adjustments; Performing monthly variance analysis of financial data on...
Data management activities with a special focus on data quality assurance process; Data validation, variance analysis and posting adjustments, Performing reconciliation of financial data between financial and reporting systems; Working on a daily basis on data warehouse related requests; Monitoring...
Preparing monthly statutory reports – Profit &Loss, Balance Sheet for one of the countries; Management Information reporting; Performing reconciliations of financial data between reporting systems; Performing month-end adjustments; Performing monthly variance analysis of financial data on...
• Supporting EMEA countries for monthly statutory reports – Profit &Loss, Balance Sheet • Reconciliation of differences between two financial systems • Controlling changes and maintaining the mapping in the chart of accounts • implementation of improvements and optimization tools •...
Regular production of Board / Management regular and ad-hoc reporting for Executive committees; Providing financial insight across products and initiatives, budgeting, forecasting, client strategies, business performance monitoring; Coordinating, coaching and supervising a team of three Analysts;...
Participation in designing and preparing reports for finance department; Maintaining and developing Oracle Data Warehouse; Performing reconciliations of financial data between reporting systems; Performing month-end adjustments; Reviewing current reporting requirements, implementing improvements and...
providing Management Information and analysis including commentary to the business and other financial areas; performing analyses independently (e.g. client number analyses by region, segment sector and product group) collecting, consolidating and performing validations in the appropriate data and...
Creation of reports, various dashboards for senior management, daily and weekly KRI / KPI reporting and other ad-hoc requests; Source and prepare data from multiple sources; Work with the various functions / project areas / management; Involvement in new reporting initiatives and come up with...
Providing revenues reporting (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet) Performing reconciliations of financial data between reporting systems; Performing month-end adjustments; Performing monthly variance analysis of financial data on product/business line level; Dealing with queries and ad hoc requests from...
Wsparcie konsultantów przy projektach rekrutacyjnych (m.in. selekcja aplikacji, aktualizacja bazy danych, przeprowadzanie telefonicznych rozmów z kandydatami) Aktywne poszukiwanie kandydatów (direct search, networking) Badanie rynku pracy; Zarządzanie kalendarzem spotkań konsultantów;
Providing revenues reporting (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Management Information Reports) Performing reconciliations of financial data between reporting systems; Performing month-end adjustments; Performing monthly variance analysis of financial data on product/business line level; Dealing with...
Providing revenues reporting (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Management Information Reports) Performing reconciliations of financial data between reporting systems; Performing month-end adjustments; Performing monthly variance analysis of financial data on product/business line level; Dealing with...
Dla naszego Klienta, międzynarodowej firmy działającej wsektorze usług B2B poszukujemy doświadczonej osoby na stanowisko Starszego Księgowego / Starszej Księgowej. Poszukiwana osoba będzie raportować do Głównego Księgowego i odpowiadać za jedną ze spółek grupy. Idealny kandydat...
Realizowanie planów sprzedaży w Oddziale, Zapewnienie wysokiej jakości sprzedaży oraz obsługi klienta; Budowanie portfela klientów; Zapewnienie aktualności wiedzy w zakresie produktów, procesów oraz narzędzi wspierających sprzedaż i pozyskiwanie klientów; Samodzielną bezpośrednią...