Manpower to światowy lider w dziedzinie HR o ponad 60-cio letniej tradycji. Nasza firma jest obecna w 82 krajach, na terenie Polski mamy 50 oddziałów. Współpracujemy z 400 000 klientów rocznie, w tym małymi i średnimi przedsiębiorstwami ze wszystkich sektorów, a także największymi światowymi korporacjami. Nasze usługi obejmują pracę tymczasową, rekrutację pracowników stałych, zatrudnienie zewnętrzne oraz doradztwo personalne. Obecnie dla jednego z naszych Klientów poszukujemy Kandydatów na stanowisko:
Handling emails, faxes and calls directed to Customer Services; Customer care duties prior or besides orders: product information, stock availability, service level capacity, pricing confirmation, samples and new customer delivery account creations; Order Creation: edits and cancellations based on...
Maintenance of accounting records; Queries resolution, contacts with vendors, customers, etc. Accounts reconciliations; Performing month end closing; Issuing invoices and credit notes; Preparation and posting of journal entries; Ensure compliance with legal and fiscal requirements;
Budowa i realizacja strategii HR; Realizacja procesów rekrutacji i selekcji pracowników; Nadzór nad budową i zarządzanie systemem ocen pracowników, systemem kompetencyjnym oraz definiowanie ścieżek karier; Tworzenie i zarządzanie systemami wynagrodzeń i motywacyjnym; Nadzór nad...
Obsługa sekretariatu, obieg korespondencji, przyjmowanie interesariuszy, odbieranie telefonów; Wykonywanie zadań zleconych przez Przełożonego z koncentracją na wysoką jakość wykonywanych zadań; Prowadzenie kalendarza spotkań, planowanie; Zajmowanie się sprawami organizacyjnymi,...
Manpower ŁódźKamieńsk, okolice Kamieńska
praca stacjonarna
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4027 dni
Preparing, examining, and analyzing accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards. Computing taxes owed and preparing tax returns, ensuring compliance with payment, reporting and other tax...
Manpower Łódźłódzkie, okolice Piotrkowa Trybunalskiego
praca stacjonarna
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4027 dni
Preparing, examining, and analyzing accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards. Computing taxes owed and preparing tax returns, ensuring compliance with payment, reporting and other tax...
Preparing, examining, and analyzing accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards. Computing taxes owed and preparing tax returns, ensuring compliance with payment, reporting and other tax...
Preparing, examining, and analyzing accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards. Computing taxes owed and preparing tax returns, ensuring compliance with payment, reporting and other tax...
The duties will include: Maintenance of accounting records; Queries resolution, contacts with vendors, customers, etc. Accounts reconciliations; Performing month end closing; Issuing invoices and credit notes; Preparation and posting of journal entries; Ensure compliance with legal and fiscal...
The duties will include: Maintenance of accounting records; Queries resolution, contacts with vendors, customers, etc. Accounts reconciliations; Performing month end closing; Issuing invoices and credit notes; Preparation and posting of journal entries; Ensure compliance with legal and fiscal...
Preparing, examining, and analyzing accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards. Computing taxes owed and preparing tax returns, ensuring compliance with payment, reporting and other tax...
Working as a In-house recruiter for one of our clients; Managing end to end recruitment processes; Interpreting resourcing plans, define role requirements and develop innovative sourcing options; Producing reports on recruitment activities; Deploying effective recruitment delivery and attraction...
Working as a In-house recruiter for one of our clients; Managing end to end recruitment processes; Interpreting resourcing plans, define role requirements and develop innovative sourcing options; Producing reports on recruitment activities; Deploying effective recruitment delivery and attraction...
Working as a In-house recruiter for one of our clients; Managing end to end recruitment processes; Interpreting resourcing plans, define role requirements and develop innovative sourcing options; Producing reports on recruitment activities; Deploying effective recruitment delivery and attraction...
Kontakty z klientami; Zebranie informacji koniecznych do stworzenia specyfikacji i harmonogramu realizacji zlecenia; Realizacja zlecenia zgodnie z umową; Koordynowanie działań i nadzór techniczny nad pracownikami realizującymi zamówienie; Współpraca z podwykonawcami;