Responsibilities: Timely and consistent with the applicable rules verify of the correctness of the unit valuation of asset management company, Ensure full and proper identify of risks in the subordinate control processes / areas Provide the highest quality, performance of the current process and...
Responsibilities: manage a team which is responsible for Investment and Borrowing Monitoring in accordance with local regulations and clients' requirements; maintain a high quality of delivery, Operate within agreed business SLAs Ensure effective performance and people management of the team;...
In Reconciliation Department you will be responsible for comparing and agreeing two sets of records. Your goal will be to ensure that the figures in depositary banks are in agreement and are accurate to data in our Clients’ accounting book. You will be also in charge of resolving or assigning for...
SFE Pre-processing Department is responsible for preparing client transactions to successfully settle on the market. There are various processes performed by this statement e.g.: checking and repairing clients' swift format settlement messages, managing all settings which make client instructions...
In Trustee Department you will be responsible for verifying Net Asset Value calculation correctness and resolving and reporting identified discrepancies. You will cooperate with internal and external Clients on daily basis with aim to build and maintain positive relations with them....
Responsibilities: Fund accounting data migration between systems; Operational readiness management; Migration data reconciliation; Implementation of the internal and external; FA (Fund Accounting) systems parameterizations; Data migration between FA systems;
The Internal Audit Department provides independent assessments of the company's governance, risk management and internal control environment for key stakeholders, such as the Supervisory Board (including non-executive directors and Citigroup management), the Management Board, senior management and...
Net Asset Value (NAV) Department is responsible for calculation and verification of the Net Asset Value (NAV) of Citi Clients’ funds in line with the fund prospectus. This includes the monitoring and review of the activity taking place within the fund including but not limited to the verification...
Responsibilities: Designing and managing of Access Databases; Automating tools based on VBA and SQL Analyzing and redesigning of the process to gain productivity efficiencies; Analyzing and designing of the systems connections in Middle Office area; Initiating and executing the technical...
The (Junior) Fund Accountant will be responsible for the verification & valuation of all Net Assets Valuation components. In additional to this core responsibility accountants will be involved in preparing periodic reports to the client or the regulator, as well as ensuring operational procedures...
Are you a recent college/university graduate or simply looking for an opportunity that's both challenging and rewarding? Do you want to work for a company that will allow you to gain real world business experience? If you answered yes to each of these questions, then read on! Investor Services is a...
Wyzwania: Realizacja indywidualnych planów sprzedaży i współudział w realizacji planu sprzedaży oddziału Edukacja i wsparcie klienta w zakresie samoobsługi poprzez kanały Citibank Online, Citi Mobile z wykorzystaniem dostępnych w oddziale narzędzi marketingowych (interaktywne ekrany...
Wyzwania: Realizacja indywidualnych planów sprzedaży i współudział w realizacji planu sprzedaży oddziału Edukacja i wsparcie klienta w zakresie samoobsługi poprzez kanały Citibank Online, Citi Mobile z wykorzystaniem dostępnych w oddziale narzędzi marketingowych (interaktywne ekrany...
Wyzwania: Kompleksowa sprzedaż produktów i usług Banku Realizacja planów oraz celów sprzedażowych Zapewnienie klientom indywidualnym profesjonalnej i kompleksowej obsługi Budowanie relacji z obecnymi klientami oraz pozyskiwanie nowych Stałe aktualizowanie i pogłębianie własnej wiedzy z...
Wyzwania: Organizacja i udział w akcjach mikromarketingowych na terenie Galerii Handlowych Aktywna i kompleksowa analiza potrzeb finansowych klientów i oferowanie odpowiednich rozwiązań/produktów dostosowanych do indywidualnych potrzeb i oczekiwań Realizacja wyznaczonych celów sprzedażowych...