Tieto jest największym skandynawskim dostawcą rozwiązań IT. Firma obsługuje klientów zarówno z sektora prywatnego jak i publicznego, a dzięki własnym centrom usług i centrom rozwoju produktów Tieto jest w stanie świadczyć swoje usługi na poziomie globalnym i na wszystkich etapach ich rozwoju.

Początki firmy sięgają roku 1968, siedziba znajduje się w Helsinkach, w Finlandii. Cały koncern zatrudnia około 14 000 ekspertów w ponad 20 krajach świata, a roczna sprzedaż netto to około 1,6 mld EUR. Akcje spółki Tieto są notowane na giełdzie NASDAQ OMX w Helsinkach i Sztokholmie.

Tieto Poland ma swoje oddziały w Szczecinie i Wrocławiu, gdzie zatrudnionych jest ponad 500 osób. Nasi specjaliści pracują tam nad najnowocześniejszymi rozwiązaniami dla międzynarodowych i lokalnych klientów z różnych branż. Od kilku lat polski oddział Tieto należy do czołówki eksporterów oprogramowania, jest także laureatem jednej z edycji konkursu "Inwestor w Kapitał Ludzki".

Archiwalne oferty pracy

  • C# Software Developer

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    3465 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • C# Developer

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    3465 dni
    Responsibilities: Participation in big project for customer related to Healthcare &; Welfare market. Project timeframes: commencing, long-term; Multicultural team: project consist with two teams. One in Poland and second one in Sweden. You will be responsible for implementation of set of modules in...
  • System Engineer

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    3465 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • .NET developer with experience in web applications

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    3465 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • Junior Java Developer

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    3465 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • C++ Software Developer

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    3465 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • iOS Developer

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    3465 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • Embedded SW Developer - Multimedia

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    3465 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • Embedded SW Developer_Linux

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    3465 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • Embedded SW Developer_Modem

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    3465 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • Embedded SW Developer_Telephony

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Wrocław    praca stacjonarna
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    3465 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • Junior Embedded Software Developer

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Szczecin    praca stacjonarna
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    3485 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • Embedded Software Developer

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Szczecin    praca stacjonarna
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    3485 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • Lead Architect / Lead Developer

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Szczecin    praca stacjonarna
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    3485 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...
  • Baseband radio Software Developer/Senior Software Developer

    Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.   Szczecin    praca stacjonarna
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    3485 dni
    About us Tieto Product Development Services (PDS) is one of the largest telecom experts in communications and embedded technologies. Today, half of the world's mobile phone calls are possible because of Tieto's product development services. Local presence and an adaptable delivery model for...

Tieto Poland Sp. z o.o.

Malczewskiego 26

71-612 Szczecin