Grafton Recruitment jest częścią Grafton Employment Group, która działa w ramach stale rosnącej sieci biur na całym świecie. Jesteśmy jedną z wiodących firm rekrutacyjnych na terenie Europy, prężnie rozwijamy się na pozostałych kontynentach. Wśród naszych Klientów są najbardziej znane międzynarodowe oraz polskie firmy. Budujemy długotrwałe relacje z naszymi kandydatami i staramy się opierać współpracę na partnerskich kontaktach. Kandydaci mają możliwość współpracy z wyspecjalizowanym zespołem konsultantów pracujących dla wszystkich branż.
Junior Analyst - Czech/Slovak
Miejsce pracy: Katowice
Nr Ref.: 7-12-20331/PC
Opis stanowiska:
For our Client, firm conducting a risk assessments for companies worldwide, we are looking for candidates, who would like to develop inside an international team and use languages on a daily basis.
- reasearch a companies condition by media, Internet and databases
- text analyses (wroten in czech/slovak)
- summarasion of reasearch findings in a report (in English)
- risk assessment
- reasearch a companies condition by media, Internet and databases
- text analyses (wroten in czech/slovak)
- summarasion of reasearch findings in a report (in English)
- risk assessment
- very good knowledge of wrotten English language, communicative in speaking
- good knowlegde of other language - Czech/Slovak
- Bachelor degree
- MsOffice skills (esspecialy Word and Outlook)
- detail orientation
- good knowlegde of other language - Czech/Slovak
- Bachelor degree
- MsOffice skills (esspecialy Word and Outlook)
- detail orientation
Informacje dodatkowe:
- possibility to start a proffesional career in multicultural enviroment
- competetive salary
- private medical care
- fitness card
- additional language courses
- friendly working atmosphere
- possibility to bulid a career path inside a company (in a leadership or expert area)
If you want to apply for this job, please, send us your curriculum vitae in English with the ref. number in subject of your application to katowice@grafton.pl
If you've had an interview in Grafton already, please, contact your consultant directly (ideally by email).
For more related job opportunities visit www.grafton.pl/office/
- possibility to start a proffesional career in multicultural enviroment
- competetive salary
- private medical care
- fitness card
- additional language courses
- friendly working atmosphere
- possibility to bulid a career path inside a company (in a leadership or expert area)
If you want to apply for this job, please, send us your curriculum vitae in English with the ref. number in subject of your application to katowice@grafton.pl
If you've had an interview in Grafton already, please, contact your consultant directly (ideally by email).
For more related job opportunities visit www.grafton.pl/office/